Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Police force to issue compasses to point Muslims to Mecca

Norfolk Police Authority put forward the plan in its Custody Visitors Committee report, following a trial at Bethel Street Police Station in Norwich where compass points correctly aligned were painted on the ceilings of cells.

The report states:

"The painted compasses on the ceilings at Bethel Street will be replicated across the rest of the county.

"However further guidance has been received and in future small compasses will be issued to those detainees who request them."

Along with prisoners going to be granted the vote for the next election, this new move provides evidence for the increasing improved treatment of prisoners.

Discrimination is a possible reason why former offenders return to crime. Is this new move a good thing? Or is Britain being too accomodating to prisoners?

Original article

Sunday, 28 June 2009

Fillipino prisoners' dance tribute to Michael Jackson

Prisoners at the Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center in Cebu City showed their respects to Michael Jackson in a dance to 'I'll be there' by the singer.

Their previous dance video, Thriller, has had almost 28 million hits on youtube.

Like Michael Jackson did, these dancers have conveyed messages through the medium of music and dance.

These prisoners communicate they are all capable of talent and great compassion, they are able to follow strict routines well, and are capable of greatness. What some may consider as proving negative opinions of some members of society wrong.

Sunday, 22 March 2009

Bravery or just plain stupid?

         Makes a difference from the archaeological ruins: Is Iraq  seriously a tourist destination?

A country such as Iraq where it's own citizens are fleeing by the minute is the least likely tourist destination in the world.  

And yet the BBC have just reported hotels like the Sheraton Hotel in Bagdad are still catering for the occasional nutty tourists.  

One who is 77 year old retired archeologist, named Bridget Jones (coincidence?) is reported to have said, "It never occurred to me to think it was a risk. I'm an optimist. I think it'll never happen to me."  

The BBC further reports:  

She admitted she had heard "a couple of explosions", and then she told me that she would prefer to be killed by a car bomb than die in a hospital geriatric ward.  

My father, who is retired and occasionally still does some work for the UN, was offered a job with very temping salaries to work in both Iraq and Afghanistan.  

After hearing about these offers, I always told him how upset with him I would be if he took those job 'opportunities'.  

Thankfully, he was sane enough to see it was a crazy idea, despite the attractive salary. I just don't understand how people think of going 'on holiday' to places like this? How on earth did the conversation arise?

Saturday, 7 March 2009

Good on Goody! - my thoughts

Jade: Smiling through the heartache of having only weeks left

Jade Goody, superficial money hungry reality star, clueless airhead, shameless racist and bully.

These are some of the things the public remember Jade as and now she is about to die in a matter of weeks and yet she remains strong.

Surely we are worse than any of these things we call her for continually holding a grudge when her time on this earth has come to an end? It's time to become a human being now,

and to forgive and forget. None of us are angels ourselves.

No one deserves her current situation.

There are websites where you can predict Jade Goody's death such as Here, winners are told they will win an iPhone 3G, which is beyond sick.

Other websites such has found humour in her situation with articles such as 'Cancer suffering from Jade Goody' and includes statements like:

"Doctors today confirmed that cancer is suffering from the parasitical disease known as Jade Goody. Leading expert Dr Andi Medix said: "There's no known cure. We try to starve the disease of attention, but it is just too strong."

Jade even gets such a lack of empathy from people who are apparently cancer survivors such as 'Aus Geoff of Frankston' on the online forum of the Australian newspaper The Herald Sun who say things like:

"That she's parading around in the media spotlight instead of being with her kids is simply another indication of the money-grubbing greed that seems to possess her. Shameful."

Well, Aus, the last time I checked you can't take money to the afterlife.


Yes, Jade is being given preferential treatment in being given the opportunity for media attention when there are many cancer victims dying every day that just don't happen to be reality TV stars. But how many of these cancer victims would choose to broadcast their last days to a public that hate them anyway?

It's hard not to admire Jade Goody in her move. She has been photographed bald from chemotherapy but still smiling. Her choice to be in the spotlight is is not as a result of vanity or stupidity, it is a very smart and brave move on her part. For those living under a rock, she is doing this to raise as much money for her sons Bobby, five, and four year old Freddie for their upkeep and education after she is gone. She's turned such a bad situation into something that has some positive outcomes.

For her recent wedding to Jack Tweed, she was able to get £700,000 for her sons and TV station Living paid a reported £100,000 to show it as part of their series Jade.

The media attention has also raised cervical cancer awareness in young women. Cervical cancer kills about 800 people in the UK every year. As a direct result of the reportage on Goody's plight 20% more women have been reported to have gone for cancer screening.

The lowering of the general age of 25 for screening to begin down to 20 is also currently being debated.

Media coverage of Jade's terminal cancer is clearly doing a lot of good.

With just weeks left for Jade, let's all let her last moments be dignified and the least painful possible. Let's allow her past to rest in peace.

Monday, 2 March 2009

Reduced house prices boost sales

Estate agents like Clifftons are experiencing an increase in sales

House sales in Bournemouth have increased despite the Land Registry reporting that January's house prices in England and Wales were 15.1% lower than a year earlier.

The nationwide decline in house prices has had a positive effect regarding sales of houses in Bournemouth.

Several estate agents claim that the media attention of the dropping house prices has encouraged buyers to buy right away.

Clifftons estate agent Zorro Ghura said: "Sales have just picked up as banks are lending a bit more money for mortgages now and people are realizing that now is a good time to buy as housing prices won't get any lower. We're doing more sales this year compared with the last six months of last year and it's only March."

"People are realizing that their money isn't getting much interest in banks, with something like just 2%, whereas with houses they can get around 4-5% interest on rental." said Mr. Ghura.

St Quintin & McConnell estate agent Tim Clark says that his company‘s business is also getting better as a result of the media attention.

He said: "Business had been slow but it’s picking up now quickly as people realize it’s the best time to buy property. In February, our company sold 19 properties within a two week period."

In Bournemouth, the average price of property is now around £150, 000, which is around the National average price, as opposed to £200,000 three years ago.

News for Quebec - Father troubled over Turcotte children

FATHER Raymond Gravel spoke of his distress in presiding the private funeral of murdered children Olivier, 5, and Anne-Sophie Turcotte, 3, which is taking place today in Montreal.

The funeral is taking place after yesterday’s public farewell.

Before the funeral father Raymond Gravel said he was spiritually torn by having to preside at a funeral for two young children.

“How do you explain to a congregation how God can allow innocents to die like this,” he said.

Father Gravel said he felt deeply troubled for having to preside over a funeral like this for the first time.

He also mentioned that he tried to reach out and minister to the childrens’ father, but he was unsuccessful.

The 125-seat chapel was already packed an hour before the funeral even began.

Olivier and Anne-Sophie’s parents separation and following custody battle was the reason that their father, Guy Turcotte, took their lives by stabbing them and attempting to take his own by a medicine overdose.

Yesterday, in the funeral parlour, self help books entitled ‘Talking to Your Child About Separation’ and ‘Parents that Children Deserve for Life,’ were a sinister reminder of the handling of family issues towards children. They were placed amongst hundreds of photographs and keepsakes and notes surrounding the caskets.

The family had the outer appearance of perfection in having a life filled with fun trips and celebrations and a large home as both parents were successful doctors. Anne-Sophie and Olivier were apparently happy and healthy children.

There were a long list of mourners present at the children’s funeral including the murderer’s mother. One lady said; "They were children who had everything to make them happy."

There was a photo album which captured the family’s happiest times together and there were numerous photos of their smiling dad who is now charged with their murders.

Their surviving mother, Isabelle Gaston, looked drained yesterday as she accepted the condolences of the family and friends who came to pay their last respects to her children.

The children were found dead on Feb 21 by police in their father’s recently rented home in Piedmont after family members grew concerned after they never showed for a scheduled meeting. At the time their mother, Gaston, an emergency room physician at Hôpital Hôtel Dieu in St. Jerôme, was skiing in the Gaspé.

The children’s father, Turcotte, 36, a cardiologist who worked in the same hospital as their mother, was charged on Tuesday with two counts of first degree murder.

He was refused treatment at his own hospital after he tried to take his own life because no doctor there wished to have him as a patient. Staff experienced a mixture of revulsion, shock and sadness which resulted in requests if he could be transferred to Sacré Coeur Hospital in Montreal.

The double homicide-attempted suicide followed a gruesome New Year's Day pact by a depressed, jobless Saguenay couple to end their financial woes and which led to their children's murders and the mother assisting the father’s suicide.

(SOURCE: Montreal Gazette newspaper)

Emma Dawson with her proud father Mike

ON SUNDAY the East Dorset under 9s tennis team were victorious in beating the West Hants under 9s B team in the Dorset Mini Leagues tournament, with an overall score of 22 – 2.

The tournament took place last Sunday at the well known West Hants Tennis Club in Bournemouth.

In total there were 20 singles matches where all players managed to play against everyone, and four doubles. East Dorset won all the matches apart from 2 singles matches.

One parent, Colin Gray, expressed his delight with his son Eden, and said:

“My son Eden won the only two matches against East Dorset so I’m ecstatic and very proud.”

One father, Mike Dawson, said:

“My wife and I are very proud of our daughter, Emma who plays for East Dorset.

"It takes a lot of dedication from the young players though, they have many tournaments and train four times a week.”

For some parents, however, the training costs can be quite tough, particularly in today’s economic climate.

Susan Herbert, mother of Louis, 9, from the East Dorset Team said:

“It’s difficult for Louis as I know most tennis players in his group get one-on-one lessons with coaches regularly but we really cannot afford that right now."

“The average cost for one of the sessions is £20, which is quite a lot for us.”

The match was organized by the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) which is working in partnership with progressive tennis clubs who will offer quality assured year round programmes for Mini tennis.

CCTV 'vital' in fighting Crime

CCTV - Crime deterrence or invasion of privacy?

33 ARRESTS were made and 76 people were charged with various offences as a result of CCTV evidence in Bournemouth last June.

Police are adamant that without CCTV, fighting crime would be a more difficult job. Martyn Webster, Dorset Police’s CCTV Liaison Officer, said:

“These results are testament to the efficiency of the CCTV system itself and the people we have in place operating it. I hope that by releasing these statistics month after month, they serve as a warning to anyone thinking of coming into the town with the intention of committing crime or disorder.”

Councillor David Smith, Cabinet Member for Community, agrees with PC Martyn Webster and said:

“Bournemouth Borough Council is committed to tackling crime and the CCTV system plays a vital role in ensuring people feel safe. Our investment of £2.2 million in the town’s CCTV system is paying off and these arrests highlight the efficiency of the joint working between the council and the police.”

However Councillor Lisa Northover says:

“At the end of the day a person can do all of those things that CCTV can do, so to look at spending money is something that needs to be thought about, rather than spending a large amount of money on CCTV.”

The Government has set aside £150 million for CCTV scheme funding across the country this year. In a few weeks the scheme will be in place in Charminster and CCTV in Winton will go live by the end of year.

Police appeal for witnesses of burglaries

Elderly people, particularly those
who live alone are easy targets.

DETECTIVES in Dorset are once again appealing to the public for help after three burglaries against elderly victims in Broadstone and Wimborne.

The men used various ruses in talking their way into homes in Broadstone, Wimborne and Poole last Wednesday afternoon.

The first offender is described as a cacasian an in his early twenties standing approximately five foot five inches tall. He is said to have short dark hair, a round face and may speak with a distinctive accent.

The second offender is also white however no further description is available.

Police believe that several of the 13 current distraction burglaries investigations in Bournemouth may be linked.

Police are warning home owners and particularly the elderly to check their visitor’s identities, saying that genuine callers will not be offended by the precaution.

The most common ruse that distraction burglars use is to claim to be officials such as policemen or water board employees.

Detective Sergeant Billy Bulloch of Bournemouth and Poole CID said:

“I’d like to urge members of the public to look out for both their vulnerable relatives and neighbours. Anyone who has seen anything should contact the police immediately.”

The charity Help the Aged state that nearly two percent of homes where the head of the household was aged 75 or over were burgled during in 2004 and 2005.

Note : photo by Chalmers Butterfield

Monday, 16 February 2009

Open mic night at The Talbot

Laky, the entertainer

Talent and modesty often don't go hand in hand, however the artists performing at The Talbot pub on open mic night have an abundance of both.

Each act receives a free drink after they perform. The first act I saw was a guy called Stu with fluffy dark hair that hung off his face and an attractive emo style. As he sung softly into the mic I was greeted by the organisers of the event, Mary Sheehy and Jon Brough, a couple who are passionate singers themselves.

This is the second open mic event they held at The Talbot, where any musician can go on stage. The plan is to hold one every second Thursday of the month for as long as there is an audience. I have a feeling they have no idea what they've gotten themselves into, as I don't see it ending for a very long time.

Mary and Jon sung some songs including "Stand by your man" by Tammy Wynette, with John playing the guitar. On stage it's clear to see the couple have a good musical relationship reflecting their personal one.

One performer who really was surprising was Jonesy, a man with wild long white hair, looking like a true heavy metal fan. He sat down and strummed the guitar at what seemed like the speed of light, his music was high energy, but at times his voice softened and was soothing. He said he had been a drug addict for 30 years and had cried out to God before his prayers were answered.

Another performer who left a strong impression on me was Bournemouth university student called Lacky. He made the audience crack up with laughter with improvised lines like, “I wrote myself a Valentines card when I was drunk the other night.” Along with his sense of humour was undeniable talent. He sung with a difficult to place style that can only be described as rock with a twist of Red Hot Chilli Pepper inspiration heard through the fast singing and punchy guitar chords. He can often be found performing in places such as the Buffallo Bar, Inferno and Bar Me in Bournemouth.

Not one musician who took himself seriously on the night could be described as less than a competent performer.

The Talbot pub in Winton, with a very exclusive and friendly atmosphere, is very much underrated. It’s only a 20 minute walk from the university so it’s ideal for students at the Talbot Campus.

CCTV 'vital' in fighting Crime

33 ARRESTS were made and 76 people were charged with various offences as a result of CCTV evidence in Bournemouth last June.
Police are adamant that without CCTV, fighting crime would be a more difficult job. Martyn Webster, Dorset Police’s CCTV Liaison Officer, said:

“These results are testament to the efficiency of the CCTV system itself and the people we have in place operating it. I hope that by releasing these statistics month after month, they serve as a warning to anyone thinking of coming into the town with the intention of committing crime or disorder.”

Councillor David Smith, Cabinet Member for Community, agrees with PC Martyn Webster and said:

“Bournemouth Borough Council is committed to tackling crime and the CCTV system plays a vital role in ensuring people feel safe. Our investment of £2.2 million in the town’s CCTV system is paying off and these arrests highlight the efficiency of the joint working between the council and the police.”

However Councillor Lisa Northover says:

“At the end of the day a person can do all of those things that CCTV can do, so to look at spending money is something that needs to be thought about, rather than spending a large amount of money on CCTV.”

The Government has set aside £150 million for CCTV scheme funding across the country this year. In a few weeks the scheme will be in place in Charminster and CCTV in Winton will go live by the end of year.

Friday, 13 February 2009

Trauma exercise: hypothetical situation, involving actors as witnesses


Carrie Stevenson, volunteer ambulance worker from Camden

Carrie Stevenson, survivor of the Stamford Bridge bombings

I have been a volunteer rescue worker for St John’s ambulance for five years. I would never have imagined that I would be needed for something as huge as helping with the aftermath of the bomb.

When I heard the explosion I was at the other end of the stadium, directly opposite the worst affected area. I heard a loud sound and then I saw smoke but no flames. I heard screaming, with smoke and dust everywhere. I saw body parts from all the way where I was sitting at the other end of the stadium.

I don’t know what people looked like exactly - I don’t want to remember. I just recall some had their clothes ripped off from the blast and some people were left in their underwear. The other ambulance workers helped me to leave the grounds and when I left the area I saw around 30 people had been killed.

It was an important match so there was more security than there normally is, so we were expecting some incidents with the football fans. We were never expecting to be needed for something like this. I only had basic training for my volunteer work with the ambulance, the training doesn’t cover how to help people when there is a terrorist attack.

I’m usually an insurance broker during the week and I just work as a volunteer for the ambulance at the weekends. My work with the ambulance is to help people but I couldn’t do anything, I was absolutely helpless. All I could do was inform the manager about the explosion. I was unable to help him because I hurt my ankle and I was in shock. I can’t even remember how I managed to hurt my ankle.

Stroke technology saves lives

Alan Johnson informing the public on strokes

ROYAL Bournemouth Hospital has introduced a new system that will save time and the lives of stroke victims.

The hospital is the second hospital in the country with the new telemedicine system. Patients who suffer from a severe stroke can be treated from their homes, saving the time it would take for the doctors to reach them.

With strokes time is important as for every minute that passes two million more nerve cells die in the brain therefore the earlier the patient is treated, the better.

The on-call stroke doctor uses a laptop and a £30,000 camera system to see and communicate with a patient. The system also allows him to scan the patient’s brain.
Yesterday the Department of Health launched a three year campaign to promote public awareness about strokes. In the UK, strokes are the third leading cause of death and the largest cause of disability in adults.

The public will be informed about Face, Arm, Speech and Time, F.A.S.T. This will help people to recognise the symptoms of strokes and realise the urgency needed in treatment.

Health Secretary, Alan Johnson, said:

"Despite a big improvement in services, stroke still kills over 67,000 people in the UK each year and leaves thousands more disabled. In many cases, death or disability from stroke can be avoided.

"This campaign will help make sure stroke victims and the people around them are able to recognise the signs and the need for fast emergency treatment."

Monday, 2 February 2009

Cat Walk went purrfectly

Students having fun dressing up

FASHION students from the Arts Institute at Bournemouth did a walk from Bournemouth pier to Boscombe pier and back dressed as cats last Monday.

Up to 25 students took part in the walk to raise money to attend the London Graduate Fashion Week which will be held at Earl’s Court from June 7 to 12.

The show is sponsored by fashion shop River Island and only a select group of fashion colleges in the country can attend.

The ‘cat walk’ will also raise money for the students to fund their own fashion show at the Royal Bath Hotel in Bournemouth on June 25.

Fashion students Tom Wakefield and Charmaine Skelding arranged the walk.

Miss Skelding said:

“Compared to last years’ cat walk it’s been a great success. We raised roughly £2600 which is about four times as much as last year. We still have more money to raise but we’re off to a flying start.”

Mr Wakefield said it will be a great opportunity for industry professionals to meet the students and the students will have a chance to show off portfolios in an industry environment.

He said: “I’m really pleased with the amount of money we raised. Attending the LGFW fashion show is s an amazing opportunity as one winning designer will be chosen who will receive a £20k cash prize and also an apprenticeship with a reputable luxury fashion retailer.”

Monday, 26 January 2009

My Profile on Robbie: The legendary Bournemouth bus driver

Robbie Bartle: Always smiling

ROBBIE Bartel, a bus driver for Wilts and Dorset buses in Bournemouth and Poole for 10 years, has been coined a ‘legendary’ bus driver and even has his own Facebook group created by his fans.

The bus driver from Canford Heath in Poole, aged 31, could not be any more delighted with his Facebook group with 535 members. In fact, he said he used to carry around a printout of the group to begin with which he proudly displayed.

Robbie said, “A student friend of mine, Alex Cooper, in Herne House started the group off. I was really touched and the group just continues to grow and grow. I have 1,577 friends on Facebook at the moment, people just keep on adding me.”

He has earned the respect and adoration of his passengers, mainly students, who ride the A, B, C and E buses, with his extremely friendly and kind nature, which according to them, is unusual for a bus driver.

Amaka Osakwe, a student from Wooten Mount in Bournemouth, aged 23, said: “Everybody that ever goes on the buses in Bournemouth knows Robbie. They might not all know him by name, but as soon as you describe him they realise who you’re talking about.

“He’s such an amazing guy. Usually drivers are boring and not very happy but he’s the friendliest bus driver ever!”

Sehliselo Ngwenya, aged 20, a student from Frederica Road in Bournemouth, said : “Robbie really brightens up my mornings, I’ve never seen him without a friendly ‘ello!’ and a huge Cheshire-cat grin.”

Robbie said: “I love being a bus driver, my dad has been one all his life, I used to go with him to work on his bus sometimes. I decided to follow his footsteps.With each day driving the bus, every day is different, no trip is the same.

“I meet many interesting characters and I love to make people happy. Everybody gets on the bus and expects a miserable driver – and then they get on mine.”

A glimpse at his kitchen fridge shows his sweet nature. It is covered with animal pictures and he reveals he feels passionately towards animal and child cruelty. I had seen he was a member of several anti-child cruelty and anti-animal cruelty groups on Facebook.

He said: “I’m disgusted with the Baby P case. I think it’s disgraceful that the child’s services should have figured out he was being abused and they should have done something about it ASAP.”

Robbie’s lovable character has resulted in him previously been written about in the Nerve magazine for Bournemouth university students.

He said: “On my last Birthday I was driving the B bus to Cranborne House and all the students came down the stairs and sung happy Birthday in harmony. It even made it to Nerve magazine. I went absolutely red and I didn’t know what to say – I was gobsmacked.”

Dylans bar is one of Robbie’s favourite karaoke spots, and he can often be seen at the Talbot Campus bar singing along to a number of old hits and socialising with the students.

He said: “I really love singing ‘Through the Baracades’ by Spandau Balle. They are some really good singers in Dylans but some are downright awful. I’ve got a bad throat at the moment but give me a few weeks and I’ll be back!”

Robbie mentioned that his bus driver colleagues get very jealous of the attention he receives.
Robbie said: “A few weeks ago I was with a colleague at the Corfe House student refractory. We were both eyeing up the pizza and my colleague ended up buying a slice.

“A student friend of mine came over and insisted on buying me some. My colleague couldn’t believe his eyes. I was a bit cheeky and asked him how his pizza was. Then I teased him and said that mine tasted better because it was free.”

However, being a bus driver can be difficult. Robbie said: “The running times are a kick up the backside. Sometimes they give you a month to get back and other times you have to drive it like you stole it.”

Bus drivers also often face difficult situations with rowdy drunk passengers in particular. Robbie thankfully hasn’t really experienced any big problems.

He said: “The government should ban drunks who always cause trouble on the bus. I’ve never been abused physically or verbally. I never have a problem with drunks so long as they sing in harmony and are in key.

“I have had a window smashed when they threw something from the outside though and I’ve had an egg thrown at my bus, free range, in the middle of Winton.”

Robbie clearly has a great sense of humour and he doesn’t take things too seriously. What makes him such a special character is the fact he claims he can block out all the negative things in his life and remain happy, despite having experienced a few personal tragedies.

Robbie said: “I married in 1999 when I was 23. My wife was 21, we were both so young but I was so deeply in love with her. I proposed to her at dinner on bended knee. We weren’t even married a year when I came home from work early and I found my wife in bed with our lodger.

"We had the flat in both our names and he was paying for his rent in return for sexual favours. I couldn’t believe it, I divorced her immediately. It only took her 32 days to remarry after our divorce was finalized.”

I’m not sure what is more shocking – the fact she would do this extremely cruel thing to such a lovely person, how she could remarry so soon after or how Robbie ever married such a woman in the first place.

Robbie may not have made the best decision in getting so deeply romantically involved with such a woman, but he very surprisingly, revealing his forgiving nature, said: “I don’t regret it. We’re amicable now since we’ve got an 8 year old sprog.” His son, Robbie junior, sometimes accompanies Robbie when he drives his bus, just like he accompanied his father.

Robbie has also experienced the pain of seeing someone he loves very deeply affected by the mentally crippling disease of meningitis. His brother, David, who is five years older than Robbie, got meningitis when he was 4 days old. He was affected mentally, but still manages to live a normal life, something Robbie is very proud of.

Robbie said: “He’s been working for Asda for 17 years. He began as a work assistant in Poole and they offered him a full time job as a trolley assistant, and then he began working in the Bournemouth St Paul’s Branch. Now he’s been there so long he’s part of the fixtures and fittings.”

Robbie’s parents, brother and sister live just around the corner from him. They are a very close family and are always there for each other. When I asked Robbie why he is as lovable as he is he said: “I have my parents to thank for that. It’s the way I’ve been brought up. I owe it all to mum and dad.”

Bournemouth’s most popular bus driver has a lot he can teach us on our attitudes to life. Robbie said: “I’m always positive, never ever negative at all. I just cut all the negative thoughts out. I haven’t read any self help books it just comes naturally I don’t know why. Maybe it’s all the jelly babies I eat.”

If only adopting his attitude was as easy as a trip to the sweet shop, but for most of us, we have to make a big effort to remain happy in times of adversity.

If you wish to check out the lovable Robbie's group on facebook, simply type in 'Legend Bournemouth Uni Bus Driver' into the seach box at the top of the page and you will be sure to find it.

Hanks apologises to Mormons

Hanks: formally apologised

TOM Hanks has recently publicly apologised to the Mormons he offended after he criticized them for supporting Proposition 8, a constitutional anti-gay marriage amendment to California law.

Having recently completed ‘Big Love’, a television series that he produces and concerns a polygamist Mormon sect, Hanks said that the proposal amounted to "codified discrimination". He also added that it was ‘un-American’.

Hanks made his apology adding to his initial statement tactfully “Everyone has a right to vote their conscience - nothing could be more American."

Credit: Photo from

First lady of Fashion

MICHELLE Obama has already caused a stir in the fashion world after just a few days of her husband’s Obama’s inguration.

Her Jason Wu gown with a single shoulder strap has inspired other celebrities to follow suit in the style. Celebrity divas like Teri Hatcher, Viola Davis and Evan Rachel Wood have been spotted in similar single strapped gowns.

We suspect Michelle Obama will set many more trends while her husband is President, and this is just the beginning of many.

Credit: Photograph taken from the New York Times website

Record year for West End

Les Miserables, one of the most popular West End shows

WEST End Theatres have not suffered from the economic downturn and figures reveal another successful year in 2008.

Box office sales have increased by 3%, totalling more than £480, state The Society of London Theatre (SOLT)

SOLT said attendances weakened in the second half of the year due to the economic crisis, but Christmas time boosted the figures.

Nica Burns, president of SOLT said:

"Last year was a record breaking year, we didn't expect to surpass it or match it.”

Credit: Photograph from

Halliwell’s well in love

Geri Halliwell and her multi-millionaire businessman boyfriend, Fabrizio Politi, were spotted looking very loved up after leaving Nottinghill restaurant E&O, after a meal with friends.

The pair have been described as ‘inseparable’ and a source who is a close friend of the couple said: “It's definitely the real deal. Geri can't believe how well they get on.”

Friends say that Fabrizio has already been introduced to Bluebell, Geri’s daughter, and he is “great with her”. Things seem to be very serious indeed.

Credit: Photo taken from

Local Priests Support Vatican

POPE Benedict XVI has launched his own dedicated channel on the popular video sharing website, YouTube.

His videos, audio footage and news concerning the Holy See will be posted onto YouTube.

It aims to get the messages of Catholicism across the world, with the Catholic Church being in full control of the content.

Archbishop Claudio Maria Celli, head of the Vatican's communications department, told the newspaper the Pope hoped to reach out to "the digital generation".

Father Jude McHugo, from the Catholic church Christ the King in Bournemouth, believes that the launching of the Vatican YouTube channel is a good thing.

“Any publicity for any good cause is a great idea, so long as it is in the right hands. I’m happy to hear that the Catholic Church will be in full control of what gets put up.

“Many more people will be able to hear the message of Catholicism through such a popular website, which is a great thing.

“The internet is a very useful tool, without it we wouldn’t have been able to advertise on our website for South Americans to come and visit and help with the running of the Church.”

Father Denis Blackledge from Corpus Christi Church in Bournemouth said:

“I think its great that the Vatican are going to be using something like that is launching the site because they said that they would use all ways of communication to get the message across.

It’s a great thing as they will spread the good news of Jesus Christ and his Kingdom around the world.”

Burglaries leaves shop owner wanting to quit

A SHOP owner is considering selling his shop and retiring after being targeted by burglars three times in 10 days.

Joe Gajic, 55, the owner of ‘Special Occasions' card and gift shop which sells jewellery on Penny’s Walk, has had losses of thousands of pounds.

The burglars’ first attempt was unsuccessful, but three days later they returned and stole jewellery valued between £1,500 and £2,000.

Mr Gajic experienced a second break in last Thursday in which the burglars managed to break into a locked stock cabinet and make off with hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of stock.

He said: “The nature of the area is not considered in any way. There is no CCTV. Our theory is the main high street has CCTV now. Burglars are looking for secondary places with no CCTV and less local residents to see them break in. Superdrug next door was burgled three times before Christmas."

Mr. Gajic added: "I wonder if it’s worth continuing in this game. We’re all struggling to pay rent and can’t afford things like this to happen. Insurance excess is very expensive. I’ve made three claims as a result of these burglars and that’s a £250 increase each time."

The crime prevention people have been in touch and recommend iron bars in the front of the shop. Mr. Gajic wants to get something that doesn’t make it look like he is locking up the prison at night.

Section Commander for East Dorset Inspector Mike Darkin said that officers will be taking action to catch the thieves and prevent further burglaries in the area.

Castlepoint is last free parking spot

Sainsburys at Castlepoint in Bournemouth

RESIDENTS have not lost their last free parking area in Bournemouth as Castlepoint will remain a free area to park at.

Last week it was reported that over 200 signatures had been gathered from residents in petition against what was believed to be the last free parking site becoming a pay-and-display parking site. The parking spot in is in Bourne Avenue and the petition was created by resident Anne Griffin.

However, councillor David Smith pointed out on Friday that the Castlepoint area will remain a free parking site. He said:

“The Castlepoint area is still remaining a free parking area, so this is not the last free parking spot.

“Over the next two to three weeks we will be making a decision on whether to make the parking in Bourne Avenue a paid parking area.

“If we do introduce paid parking it will free up parking space close to the shops for people to use. At the moment it’s very difficult. A lot of people park for longer than they should and for the wrong reasons. People who work in the area often park there and move their car around a bit every now and again and then return to work.

“It is a problem as it’s difficult for traffic wardens to know who has parked for the one hour they are allowed and who has overstayed without issuing tickets.”

The proposals include the parking spot possibly becoming a pay-and-display site between 9am and 8pm Monday to Saturday and 10am to 8pm on Sunday. Drivers will be allowed a maximum stay of two hours.

Credit: Photo taken from the Billington structral steelwork contractors website

Congestion charge claims were ‘tongue in cheek’

Councillor Robert Chapman:
The councillor is adamant plans for congestion charges were never decided

A BOURNEMOUTH councillor has refuted the reported proposals of the congestion charge in Bournemouth.

Last week it was reported that 84% of Bournemouth Echo readers polled were against the introduction of a congestion charge for Bournemouth. This introduction was reported as ‘inevitable’ and could arrive as early as in five years’ time in the words of Alex Carter who is the managing director of Poole-based Go South Coast.

Bournemouth councillor Robert Chapman said:

“They are definitely not going to introduce it. Alex Carter is also the chief executive of the Wilts and Dorset bus company. He obviously wanted the streets to be clearer so there would be more road space for his buses so it was a tongue in cheek comment.

"The congestion charge would be a good idea if it weren’t for the fact most visitors to Bournemouth come by car and if we did introduce it would be death to the tourism trade.

"The congestion charge is only appropriate in central London because it was very congested and there is no reason why people should drive as there is a very good underground system.

"The only other big cities in the UK who would consider a congestion charge is Birmingham and Manchester and any towns smaller than Birmingham and Manchester wouldn’t ever consider it.

"Roads do get congested here so better designs need to be made of the congestion spots by improving the highway system, and giving more priority to buses and at the same time allowing access for cars.”

Campaign against texting and driving

Last Year's Campaign:
‘Don’t become a crash statistic'

A CAMPAIGN has been launched to attempt to reduce the number of young people involved in car accidents in Dorset.

Last year statistics showed that one in four people injured in car accidents in Dorset were under the age of 25. The current Campaign targets young people who write texts on their phones while driving.

Posters are being placed nationwide of a blood covered mobile phone with a half written text message on it. The message is ‘Texting And Driving Don’t Mix’ and is endorsed by the members of Dorset Road Safe, including Dorset Safety Camera Partnership, Dorset County Council, Borough of Poole and Bournemouth Borough Council.
Statistics from the RAC Foundation report created last year reveal from a survey of 2, 000 users of Facebook that 45% of UK drivers engage in texting whilst driving. Most of these people are young people.

The RAC Foundation study involved seventeen drivers (aged 17-24 years). Drivers completed one normal drive and one drive in which they were given text messaging
tasks. Reaction times were around 35% slower when writing a text message.

Last year there was a campaign entitled, ‘Don’t become a crash statistic,’ and featured the image of a body lying on a mortuary table with a label on its toe which had written on it, ‘UR BST M8’.

Chief Inspector Robert Nicols from the County Council Road Safety Team said:

“What I can say is that I think campaigns such as these will eventually make a difference as it will help a shift in social attitudes. I’m hopeful that campaigns like this help attitudes to change over time towards responsible driving.”

Credit: Photo was taken from the Bournemouth Echo website

Sunday, 18 January 2009

My Tesco TV news story (the first ever TV piece)

Sarah House - Assessment from Mammj on Vimeo.

This was my first TV news piece, I was responsible for all (the story, the voice over, the filming, and the editing)
It was a struggle using Adobe Premiere Pro but by the end I think I pretty much mastered it! whoo hoo!
I was very proud of this peice and even tried to mimick the intonation from the best BBC news reporters.
Though unfortunately, I didn't get the marks I expected due to not including Tesco's comment on the matter.
I thought as it was a very short news peice, and my angle was a negative one, it was not needed.
I have to remember in the future to always include comment from the other side, and I'll just take this as a learning experience.

Sunday, 11 January 2009


'Twincredibles!' is the headline that the Sun gave to this extremely rare case of a new set of twins of a different racial appearance being born after their older twin sisters, who also have a differennt racial appearance.
In both cases one of them takes after their father, Dean Durrant, 33, of Mixed Heritage, and are darker in complexion.
The other has white skin and features and takes after their mother, Alison Spooner, 27, who is Caucasian.

The Hampshire couple are ecstatic, and are very surprised that this could happen to them again.

Doctor Carol Cooper, author of a book on twins, said there was a two in a million chance of a second set of twins like the Durrant girls.

On the Sun website she said:

“On average, non-identical twins share half their genes — sometimes it’s more, in which case they are quite similar, sometimes it’s much less.

“In this case they’ve not got the same number of genes from each parent.

“To have a second set of non-identical twins is unusual. It means the mum is very fertile.

“I think the first time this happened was in Germany in 1978, when a woman gave birth to one black baby and one white.”

I disagree with the media reports that these twins are of different races, and how two of them are labelled as black, and the other two as white. That is the reason why I referred to them as having a 'different racial appearance'. Both of them are mixed race, some have more genes for a particular race resulting in their misleading racial identification but that still doesn't make them 100% black or white.

How could any of them be described as entirely black really is a mystery, when their father is of Mixed Heritage.

I am reminded of Barack Obama here. In a similar way he is constantly referred to as 'The First Black American President', even though he had a white mother. People of all races worldwide make this mistake.

However, ironically although the reportage didn't provide a good start, this family predicament will probably result in people acknowledging that the twins are made up of two different races. People who otherwise wouldn't. The twins hopefully will embrace both sides of themselves as a reaction to their acceptance of being of mixed heritage.

I wonder if this could happen to me when I decide to have children, as I am half white and half black and my mother was a non identical twin. It could happen to me even if I don't have twins, or even if I have a black partner. I've heard of several instances of this.

But really all I hope for is healthy children, boys or girls, of any colour. However, I can imagine the annoyance this couple must feel over the stares and having to explain over and over that their twins are actually twins!

The two sets of twins photo was taken from the yahoo website, but originally it is a
Sky News Photo

Powerful artwork reflecting the current times of the Israeli and Palestinian conflict

This piece, by Ben Heine, entitled 'I Love you, But..." is the most powerful and highly appropriate art work reflecting the hatred of the Israelis and the Palestinians.
You can see that their faces are covered up, but they are trying to kiss each other.
This could reflect how both of them refuse to see the other side's predicament of anguish and loss, so peace making is entirely futile. They are blinded by their own interests.
The grenades they both carry imply that there will be no winner or resolution, they will both continue to suffer.
Perhaps the only way to resolve this situation is if they both removed the material from over their heads and saw the reality of the situation.

Heine modified the original artwork by Rene Magritte, entitled 'The Lovers' and is shown below.

A blogger from commented on the painting, saying:

"In modern relationships, even in sexual relationships, each party comes to the table hiding his or her true self. Relationships are seen as a long and draining bargaining process where the needs of the other party are constantly ignored or belittled. Neither party is prepared to make the necessary sacrifices that must go into nurturing a healthy relationship; on the contrary, the parties involved seek to extract as much as possible from the other side. Healthy relationships (sexual and otherwise) require the lowering of interpersonal barriers and the production of a natural give-and-take, something that can only come when the needs of the other person are elevated more than the needs of the self.
The shrouds wrapped around the faces capture the fact that even in intimate contexts, we choose to remain separate from others. Where there is separation and division, there can never be genuine love."

It's easy to apply this analysis of the painting to a different context - the relationship between Isrealis and Palestinians.

Today it was reported on the BBC website that 879 Palestinians have died since the Isreali offensive began on 27 December. It has been liked to the Jewish Holocaust. In contrast, only 13 Israelis - 10 soldiers and threee civilians have died.

The Isreali/Palestinian conflicts have been raging for over 60 years. The Jewish Israelis and the Muslim Palestinians both belief that Israel/Palestine was given to them by God, and to allow anyone else ownership would be an insult to God and a sin. Surely the killing of innocent civilians would incur the wrath of God far more?

With every death and act of terrorism, the deeper their hatred for each other becomes. Will there ever be an end to this madness? Or will we be experiencing another world war in our lifetime?

Are there any solutions? Is there anything we can really do as mere citizens? Or are we powerless to stop the loss of innocent lives on a mass scale? Will this conflict survive our generation and the next? There seems to be no end, the prognosis is bleak.

For more of Ben Heine’s artwork, which include similar paintings to the one discussed, please visit his flicker page at

Article on DATING TIPS - Avoiding the plague of undesirable bachelors for women

(This is supposed to be taken lightheartedly by the way)

LEOPARDS CAN’T CHANGE THEIR SPOTS: You cant change a guy - from the more trivial (depending on your viewpoint) - he’s not going to stop farting in bed - to the downright awful - once he’s cheated he will not stop if you take him back. He won’t wake up one day with the ability to keep his trouser snake inside his trousers having failed several times before. Either accept the way he is and your despicable treatment because you ‘LOVE’ him (for some foolish reason) or kick his ass to the curb. Easy choice.

ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS: Let a man use actions instead of his mouth - don’t listen to false promises. I.e “I want to spoil you with X Y and Z..” “I want to fly you around the world.” “I’ll treat you like a princess, you will never want for anything again.” How many times have you heard this from a man and it actually materialises? Men who want to do all these things don’t announce it again and again in order to brainwash you into thinking these things will eventually come. Well guess what? After 4 months has passed and there is not a hint of spoiling - they won’t! By the way if Prince Charming exists he is probably not a handsome man with a dazzling smile and remarkably believable and romantic promises. He is more like the frog in the fairytale - some ordinary guy - average at best - working in an office cubicle maybe even with super thick geeky glasses and a stutter who you wouldn’t give the time of day to, and nor would any woman above a 5/10 either.

TOO MUCH SELF LOVE IS SELF DESTRUCTIVE: Confidence and self belief are wonderful in small doses. Confidence is often reported to be the key to success, professionally and one could say regarding love. No woman wants a man who shakes when he speaks to her or lets her walk all over him. We want cahonas and a certain amount of arrogance is acceptable, whether you are aware of that fact or not. When someone is arrogant we subconsciously accept that they possess some quality worthy of arrogance and we respect them more.
However arrogance becomes very unattractive if it is displayed too much. Have you ever dated a man that looks in the mirror more than you? I am sure you were uncomfortable with this, as was I. It is simply NOT natural and one could say it is in fact a feminine trait. Have you ever dated a man that loves the sound of his own voice? Over promotes himself? Tells you how wonderful he is day and night? Brainwashing….sound familiar?
Anyway back to the point. The point I was trying to make and got carried away in the process - when a man loves himself so much and thinks he is the be all and end all and knows everything and no one can tell him different - he will never give you the level of respect you deserve. Stay away girl stay away!

SIMPLE RULE: HE DOESN’T HAVE TIME, THEN DON’T GIVE HIM ANY! : When someone shows that you are not a priority don’t make them yours.

HE’S JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU: You can tell VERY early on if a guy is really into you or not depending on the first date. It might seem obvious but if he invites you to his place or invites himself over then he is probably expecting you to be ‘casual’ during your first so called ‘date’. If you are cool with that then fine. But 99% of men don’t wish to have a second encounter of any type after a first date shag, just a warning.
If for some weird and inexplicable reason he really DOES just want to ‘hang out’ at yours or his and has nothing freaky planned then ask yourself if he doesn’t make an effort to begin with then why would he make an effort later? If you accept this it falls into a routine. Can you really handle spending such ‘exciting’ quality time like this?! (ALL the time). You’ll be playing bingo together within a year.
On the other end of the spectrum - if he tells you he loves you after a few days do not believe it! You can safely conclude that he is definitely NOT thinking about marriage and having babies with you and living happily ever after in the countryside with your 2 goldfish, 5 dogs and 9 cats - .he has some sinister ulterior motive, the most likely being he just wants a shag. Don’t humour him or wait it out - embarrass him by laughing (long and hard preferably with a few snorts thrown in for maximum effect) at him for his foolish move.

PHONES AREN’T WATERPROOF - If he says he’s going to have a shower and his phone has mysteriously disappeared from his coffee table - what bigger warning do you need? Mind in the early days it is not as worrying than if your relationship has long been established.
Calls/texts late at night he acts strange about are also a giveaway. If he’s naturally nocturnal, his friends are too and he acted like it wasn’t a big deal then its probably not. But if he acts shifty/leaves the room then you know something’s definitely up. Like DUH.

CONFUSED GUYS ARE CONFUSING SO DON’T CONFUSE YOURSELF - A confused guy is useless - he will never make up his mind. Wouldn’t you rather be with someone who you know is sure of his feelings for you? Realise your own self worth - your time is precious - don’t waste it with some loser who doesn’t know how lucky he is.
You’ll find him aged 89 rocking on his chair on the porch STILL scratching his head over the trivialities of egg versus bacon for breakfast. Guys who don’t know what they want never do. They think they do, perhaps for several years but then change their mind again. *KICK*

A REAL MAN HAS COHANNAS - A man that wont stand up for you is also useless! What kind of man does he call himself? He’s as good as a post-op tranny (no offence trannies, hope you understand my point).

HE JUST WON’T GROW UP: Simple and sweet: After 25 men do not mature anymore! They stay that way forever. Imagine said subject EXACTLY like that 50 years from now but more wrinkly, more ugly and more irritable, and in aid of Viagra to function. Terrifying prospect. Imagine this before you say your vows!

YEAH HE CAN’T COOK BUT HE CAN WATCH - OK this is not a negative point. GASP- YES, I am capable of making some nice comments towards men.
A man that watches you cooking and keeps you company while you do it is a diamond, it shows how much he appreciates you cooking for him. Instead of a man that sits on the couch watching TV farting and picking his nose while waiting for his slave to return from the kitchen with his 3 course feast.

Add your own pointers, share your horror stories and maybe we can gather with pitchforks and...


oh yeah men feel free to defend yourselves or agree!