Jade Goody, superficial money hungry reality star, clueless airhead, shameless racist and bully. These are some of the things the public remember Jade as and now she is about to die in a matter of weeks and yet she remains strong. Surely we are worse than any of these things we call her for continually holding a grudge when her time on this earth has come to an end? It's time to become a human being now, and to forgive and forget. None of us are angels ourselves. No one deserves her current situation. There are websites where you can predict Jade Goody's death such as www.whenwilljadegoodydie.com. Here, winners are told they will win an iPhone 3G, which is beyond sick. Other websites such thespoof.com has found humour in her situation with articles such as 'Cancer suffering from Jade Goody' and includes statements like: "Doctors today confirmed that cancer is suffering from the parasitical disease known as Jade Goody. Leading expert Dr Andi Medix said: "There's no known cure. We try to starve the disease of attention, but it is just too strong." Jade even gets such a lack of empathy from people who are apparently cancer survivors such as 'Aus Geoff of Frankston' on the online forum of the Australian newspaper The Herald Sun who say things like: "That she's parading around in the media spotlight instead of being with her kids is simply another indication of the money-grubbing greed that seems to possess her. Shameful." Well, Aus, the last time I checked you can't take money to the afterlife. Ridiculous. Yes, Jade is being given preferential treatment in being given the opportunity for media attention when there are many cancer victims dying every day that just don't happen to be reality TV stars. But how many of these cancer victims would choose to broadcast their last days to a public that hate them anyway? It's hard not to admire Jade Goody in her move. She has been photographed bald from chemotherapy but still smiling. Her choice to be in the spotlight is is not as a result of vanity or stupidity, it is a very smart and brave move on her part. For those living under a rock, she is doing this to raise as much money for her sons Bobby, five, and four year old Freddie for their upkeep and education after she is gone. She's turned such a bad situation into something that has some positive outcomes. For her recent wedding to Jack Tweed, she was able to get £700,000 for her sons and TV station Living paid a reported £100,000 to show it as part of their series Jade. The media attention has also raised cervical cancer awareness in young women. Cervical cancer kills about 800 people in the UK every year. As a direct result of the reportage on Goody's plight 20% more women have been reported to have gone for cancer screening. The lowering of the general age of 25 for screening to begin down to 20 is also currently being debated. Media coverage of Jade's terminal cancer is clearly doing a lot of good. With just weeks left for Jade, let's all let her last moments be dignified and the least painful possible. Let's allow her past to rest in peace.
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